Best Pantry/Kitchen Storage Bins: OXO vs. Tupperware
I LOVE using storage bins to organize my pantry items. Going from a jumble of boxes and bags of all different shapes and sizes and consolidating it into neat and tidy, labeled containers just makes my organizer’s heart sing! (This post does contain affiliate links.)
Today I’m going to outline for you the pros and cons of two of the top kitchen storage container brands: OXO Pop storage containers and Tupperware classic storage containers. The results just might surprise you! Watch it here!
Now, the appearance of your pantry is definitely up to you, so there’s no right or wrong here. And either way you go, you’ll definitely get an organized, uniform look, which is what we’re going for! I would say that OXO storage bins have a bit more of a modern appearance. Tupperware containers, on the other hand, are not quite as see-through. That could be a pro or a con, depending on your preference.
I have used both OXO and Tupperware storage containers in my kitchen for at least 5 years, so I have really put them to the test as far as air-tightness! Tupperware definitely seals more tightly, hands down. Food stored in one of Tupperware’s containers will be fresher, and the lid is a lot less likely to fall off. The OXO Pop containers have a fancy button to click the lid on and off. However, I have found that if you are storing a powdery substance (like flour or powdered sugar), the OXO lids don’t seal well at all.
Both brands have a bigger size bin that will nicely stack with two smaller containers on top (definitely a plus for keeping things neat and tidy-looking). I would note that OXO lids do not have such a pronounced lip on the top edge as Tupperware, so it is easier for the containers on the top to slide off when stacking them in the pantry. OXO containers also take up a bit more vertical space because the lids are taller, though you are not actually getting any more storage capacity than you are with Tupperware containers. Both brands come in a variety of sizes, however, so I'm sure you can find what you're looking for.
This is one area where OXO definitely wins out! There are quite a few kitchen accessories that go with the OXO containers that actually can slide right onto the underside of the lid, such as a measuring scoop, level, brown sugar keeper, or duster (for powdered sugar). Tupperware doesn’t have such fancy accessories. Pretty much the only option you have with Tupperware is a lid with a small circle opening that does not require you to remove the whole lid.
Prices and Availability
Tupperware bins are a little harder to come by, but they can be bought from a consultant or directly from their website. OXO containers are sold at Bed Bath & Beyond and on Amazon. This makes Tupperware shipping a little slower and more expensive than OXO, at least for Amazon Prime members. Bed Bath & Beyond has the best value for a kit of OXO containers, while Tupperware’s equivalent kit is a bit pricier. Currently a Tupperware container that holds a 5 lb bag of flour is $21 on their website. OXO’s comparable container is $19 on Amazon.
If you’ve been wanting to overhaul your kitchen storage but weren’t sure which brand of container to go with, I hope this clears some things up for you! I know I always want to know all of the details before making an investment in organizing products.
If you already use OXO or Tupperware, leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite feature is!
Happy organizing!
June Says
Thanks SO much for this post! I’ve had Tupperware for almost 50 years and have built up a large set. But the looks of the OXO and the (perceived) better seal has had me considering starting over, a not inconsequential investment. Now after reading this, I’ll stay happy with my Tupperware and save a good deal of money.
Ruth Says
I love my Tupperware!! Have been married for over 26 years and what I bought new all those years ago is still going well with only a few lids needing to be replaced.
Leslee Feiwus Says
I don’t like using plastic containers of any kind to store my food in. I prefer glass. I save the glass jars from my pickles and sauerkraut to store all kinds of food in my pantry and freezer. The best part is that they are free, after I use up the food that was in them.
JP Says
I was a Tupperware consultant, as an FYI the Modular Mates go on sale once a year in January. If memory serves they are usually 30 or 40% off. Also, ask your consultant about scoops they are available as freebies from consultants, if they have ordered them frim the company.
I hope that helps.
Karin Hanson Says
I have used the Tupperware Modular Mates for YEARS! What I love about them, is the rectangle ones fit perfectly into kitchen cabinets. They are the perfect depth. I store certain high volume pastas such as spaghetti in a Rectangle 1 (pasta lays down instead of in its end); egg noodles in a Rectangle 2. flour and Sugar I have in a rectangle 2 and they fit quite a lot, more than a five pound bag so you can refill before completely empty. They stack so nicely and keep everything fresh.
I use the super ovals (cabinet depth) for powdered sugar, brown sugar, rice, oats, etc. what I also love about the super ovals is they are very easy to grab with one hand. Tupperware also has a great warranty or the ability to get replacement lids. If i drop the canisters, I don’t worry about them breaking.
I also have OXO canisters. While I do like the sleek clear appearance, one thing I have found that I’m not liking is how they are top-heavy of they are almost empty, due to the lid and mechanism. I was a little put off, when I went to get another canister , to find they’ve changed the profile of their lid so they’re not exactly the same as the older ones.
Love both but if I had to choose I still love my Tupperware.
Sarah Pedley Says
I have the oxo and put water in one and tipped it upside down. No leakage. Plus I love how they look.
Sandy R Says
I bought Tupperware containers when we moved in our current home 30 years ago, and still use the same ones for my pantry staples! They had a list of common products, like 5 lbs of flour, and what container you need to store it–very helpful for planning. I haven’t bought anything from them for a long time, but you used to be able to get some items discounted or even free if you hosted a party, not sure if that is still the case but might be a way to reduce the cost of the products.
Muriel Says
Thanks for your review. I’ve used Tupperware for years as my mother before me. For me, the quality has declined in more recent years, but worse, as my hands are getting more arthritic, I am unable to open them! Great for freshness… not so great for eating! hahaha! I have a product similar to the Oxo’s but the method of closing is different. They are from Better Homes & Gardens – which I found at Walmart about a year ago for a much more reasonable price than Oxo’s. I think they will probably be more prone to breakage as they are more rigid than Tupperware, but they are an easy close with a handle on top folding down to shut out air when the lid is on. They stack, too. I probably would have stuck with Tupperware if it hadn’t been for arthritis, but I guess we have to have trade offs. I like my food too much to be shut out of it.
Esther Stripin Says
The OXO containers I have have a different lid than you show and they seal very well.
Robin Says
I love the look of the Oxo containers, but I am actually in the process of giving them all of mine away in favor of Tupperware. I have some Tupperware pieces I’ve been using for nearly 40 years and they’re still going strong. I can put the containers and lids in the dishwasher, and they have a lifetime warranty. I have had a couple of the Oxo lids (the push button) break. They’re both nice containers, but I’m happier with Tupperware. (No, I’m not a dealer!)
Miriam Says
Thanks for this interesting post. I enjoy using both so it is truly a toss up. Another question related to this. Can you please refer me to a post or info regarding making labels? I need to tackle this part of organization!!
I want labels on lots of different things so looking for a versatile tool without a lot of fuss and simple to use. Thanks for your suggestions/link to article etc
Have a super day and keep up all your great ideas.
Tasha Whitsitt Says
In a couple of weeks we have a blog post and video on label making for your pantry. Stay tuned!!
Ruth Says
I just got my Tupperware storage this year. On sale.
I like them. I got the deep ones. So. Store more product. I got the tall pasta containers and the lids with easy pour. And use them for cereal. The quality is good. But. I recently had an issue with my hand and it’s hard to open them. I think if you have children or elderly people. Oxo may be a better opción for the easy on/off feature.
Kaethe Pittman Says
One thing you might not know about the Tupperware storage is that the system is 30+ years old, and all components still fit together. I am using pieces I bought when I married (in 1987!), and I can still get replacements and additional components. I can’t get the lid color I started with — those change with what’s in style — but that’s a small non-issue for me.
Also, for folks who move, only foodstuffs packed in Tupperware were considered acceptable by the moving companies when we were relocating frequently with the Army. I could even ship my spices overseas because I put the bottles into some larger Tupperware containers.
Robin Says
Thank you for including a version to read instead of only a video! I much prefer to read rather than watch.
Penny Bentley Says
I did ask this question but I did not hear back and I’m not sure if my post reached you soo…I have had Tupperware for 25 years and I noticed it started to smell in some of the containers. I got concerned that maybe some of the plastic was leaching and too old that’s when I went to OXO.
Do you have an opinion or knowledge regarding old Tupperware?
Teresa Says
Interesting post! Love my tupperware – some of the pieces are over 40 years old. guess the would be calling my containers Vintage! I am cleaning kitchen drawers and trying to figure out a way to organize the containers so my husband can find the lid and the container, 2 y ears ago after a plague of mice ( we are in farm country and over a 120 year house) I had my tupperware lady come and we put almost everything into the storage system. LOVE IT! Now when the mice start finding their way in and after all the trapping is done, all I have to wash is the outside of the containers. Big time saver and the cholate chips are saved! It was a big investment but worth every cent.
Shelley Says
I have the Oxo. My brother gifted me a set, and I was hooked! As a serial organizer (ha!), I immediately had to reorganize my entire pantry…then my kitchen…and cabinets…to all look the same. Then I wanted the cute labels…which led me to vinyl cutting…and I got a Silhouette. My pantry looks totally awesome. I agree – I wish the lids were a bit tighter to keep ingredients fresh, but you can’t beat the look of them. Needless to say, I’m invested. 🙂
kathy tracy Says
I have them all jars for canning oxo for longterm and my daily pantry and a few Tupperware that work great in my pantry