How to Type in any PDF
Do you ever wish you could type in one of those of pretty printables you just downloaded?
You open it up in the free Adobe reader, but you can’t type in it, right? You can print it out and write on it, but that’s it.
Did you know there’s actually another way?
You can type anywhere in any PDF. So you can type to your heart’s content in all those printables you downloaded.
It’s free and easy plus you can type in it and then save the typed in version to your computer to print again and again.
Think of the possibilities!
In the video tutorial below, I’m using the September bonus pack from the Sweet Life Society.
I filled out the weekly docket with some routine tasks for each day. I could also fill out a menu plan with things I eat every week. You could fill out a grocery list with things you frequently buy, and so on.
Here’s the quick video showing you how to do this:
Links mentioned in the video:
- Free tool for filling out PDFs:
- Where you can get the printable pack shown in the video:
I hope that helps you, and I love to hear what download you plan to type in. Let us know in the comments below.
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Linda K Williams Says
Thank you (repeat that about 100 times)!!! This is the first I’ve heard of PDF Escape but I’m already in love with it. I foresee using it particularly to annotate and add sticky notes to PDF files. That is a function I’ve dreamed of having for years–but since I’m on a very tight budget I refuse to pay Adobe for that ability. I’m exited about this program and know I will use it a lot. Again, thank you for sharing this information with your readers.
D. Says
Thank you soooo much for sharing this tip! It makes a huge difference for me!!!!
Mandy Says
the video is really small. is there a way to make it bigger? the fullscreen button not working.
LauraJane Says
Post authorYou could try clicking the youtube button to go view it over there.
Megan Says Do you mind if I share your tutorial with my followers/customers?
LauraJane Says
Post authorGlad you like it – feel free to share.
Jenn Says
Thanks for sharing! This is a great resource to know about! I have plenty of pdfs (including some of yours!) that I wish I could fill in instead of having to type out ALLLLL the time.Definitely a game changer (personal and for work).
Nancy Says
Thank you so much for sharing!
Kaylee Rider Says
That is pretty awesome if you ask me!!! I hadn’t heard of pdf escapes until now!!! You’re awesome!!! Typing on a pdf is so much better than writing on one!!! Thanks for the info on this matter!!! Enjoy!!!
Amy Carter Says
Thank you so much for this! I wanted to make a recipe binder with your recipe cards, but did not want to write the cards out by hand. I also wanted to be able to make the same binder for my daughters when the time comes for them to leave the house.