Multiple Use Printable
Welcome to part 5 of my year-long series where through the year I will share with you each element of the monthly packs available to our Sweet Life Society members!
Admittedly “monthly pack” is a rather vague description of what you’re getting. So I hope this series provides clarification and gives you some ideas on how to use each piece of the pack. This way you can see what you’ll be getting as soon as you decide to make the leap and join us in the Sweet Life Society!
Today’s printable is for all my paper-saving, extra efficient friends!
We have a full page meal planner in the Sweet Life Society and a full page shopping list. But the two really seem to go hand in hand, don’t they? I almost never meal plan without my shopping list right there too, so I figured it would be just as logical to put them on the same page!
There are two ways you can use this page. The first is to meal plan and write out your shopping list for that particular meal plan as you go. I think this option really makes the process go smoothly. When you take your list to the store, you can see what you’re eating and what you’ll be using your ingredients for. Have you ever written down something generic such as “cheese” and then arrived at the store only to forget why you needed cheese and what form you needed it in? If you have your meal plan right there with you, you’ll be able to see that you were planning to have cheeseburgers so you are probably looking for some form of sliced cheese rather than shredded or grated.
I think the second way you can use this fun printable is quite clever! If you have kids (or your hubby!) constantly asking what’s for dinner, you’ve probably learned it’s easier to simply post your meal plan so the whole household can see it. If you post your meal plan with an attached shopping list, members of your family can make a quick note on the list when they use the last bag of chocolate chips or that they need a glue stick for a school project. You are a talented and smart lady – but you can’t remember everything your kids randomly tell you and ask for throughout the day! Simplify the whole process and let everyone pitch in to get the job done!
However you choose to use this printable, you can click below to download it for yourself!

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